May 17, 2024

ICYMI: Amid Threats by Extreme Politicians, Sharice Davids Works to Protect Social Security, Medicare

Today, Ted Kelly of Leawood wrote an essay for the Kansas City Star describing the need to protect Social Security and Medicare, “bedrocks of our nation” that are “under attack by extreme politicians.” He notes Representative Sharice Davids’ “unwavering stance against threats to” the programs, which he and his wife rely on.

Earlier this year, the Republican Study Committee, representing nearly 80 percent of U.S. House Republicans, released a budget plan with drastic cuts to Social Security and Medicare. Simultaneously, the plan advocated for tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy and big corporations.

Read more in the Kansas City Star: Kansans need Social Security and Medicare. Sharice Davids won’t let the GOP gut them

“Social Security and Medicare are bedrocks of our nation that my wife and I, like many Americans, utilize to live safe, healthy and productive lives. However, both programs are under attack by extreme politicians who want to end them as we know it and put people who count on these resources in danger. Thankfully, Kansas families have a friend and ally in Rep. Sharice Davids, who is fighting every day to defend these vital programs for current and future generations. 


Former Gov. Sam Brownback’s push for partially privatized Social Security in 2007 drew criticism from organizations like AARP, citing risks to the program’s long-term stability. The potential loss of these benefits would result in nearly 29% of Kansans over the age of 65 having incomes below the official poverty line, a stark contrast to the current rate of 5.6%. 

Fast forward to this year, where the Republican Study Committee, which represents nearly 80% of U.S. House Republicans and their entire leadership team, unveiled a plan threatening Social Security and Medicare. This proposal would make Americans wait longer to earn their benefits and impose $1.5 trillion in cuts to Social Security. It would also slash popular proposals, supported by Davids, that are saving individuals like me money, including the ability for Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug costs and a $35 monthly insulin cap. 


While we are fortunate not to depend solely on them, they do provide some relief in our monthly budget, allowing us to allocate more funds for groceries, gas and other daily expenses. Some of our friends and neighbors, however, rely heavily on these benefits, emphasizing the critical need for their protection by members of Congress. 

That’s where Davids comes in. When I first applied for Social Security, my application got lost in the shuffle. It was only through prompt assistance from the congresswoman’s office that I could cut through the bureaucratic challenges and get the benefits I earned. Her team was professional, empathetic and efficient, reflecting Davids’ commitment to her constituents’ well-being. 

As I’ve learned more about Davids, I’ve grown increasingly appreciative of her dedication. Her unwavering stance against threats to Social Security and Medicare in Washington assures me and fellow Kansans that our voices are heard and our interests are fiercely defended. 

I feel fortunate to have Sharice Davids representing our community. She’s intelligent, diligent and always available to people like me who need help. I have full confidence that she will continue fighting to preserve our access to Social Security and Medicare. We’re lucky to have her in Washington.”

May 13, 2024

Sharice Davids Launches Reelection Campaign to Continue Serving Kansas’ Third District

TOPEKA, KS — Today, Representative Sharice Davids (KS-03) filed for reelection to serve Kansas’ Third Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. With a proven track record of putting Kansans’ priorities over those of special interests, Davids is committed to building on her work to help lower prescription drug costs, create good-paying jobs for hardworking Kansans, and more.

“Today, I filed for reelection to continue bringing the voices of the people in Kansas’ Third District to Washington,” said Davids. “Throughout my time in office, I have fought to put Kansans first, to lower costs, and to make health care more affordable and accessible to everyone. If Kansans continue to give me the honor of representing them, I will keep working with both parties to make life easier for hardworking folks at home.”

During hertenure in office, Davids has been a strong advocate for Kansas’ Third District. She has collaborated across party lines to find common-sense solutions to fight the fentanyl crisis, support Kansas veterans, rebuild our nation’s crumbling infrastructure, bolster Kansas’ agricultural sector, support Kansas small businesses, and lower costs on everyday goods like medicinegas, andgroceries.

Davids’ reelection campaign will focus on rejecting extremism and promoting pragmatic, bipartisan solutions to support Kansans in every corner of the Third District, from Kansas City to Garnett.

Davids, a graduate of Leavenworth High School and the first in her family to attend college, worked her way through Johnson County Community College to Cornell Law School. Before being elected to Congress in 2018, she worked in economic and community development on Native American reservations and as a White House Fellow in the U.S. Department of Transportation. Davids is one of the first two Native American women to serve in Congress.

For more information or to support Davids’ reelection campaign, please visit

April 15, 2024

Sharice Davids Raises More Than $730,000 in First Quarter

OVERLAND PARK, KS — Today, Representative Sharice Davids (KS-03) announced her re-election campaign raised more than $730,000 in the first three months of 2024. 

Davids enters the year with a strong initial haul and more than $2.1 million cash on hand. Her campaign’s strong reliance on contributions from Kansans, accounting for more than half of all donations, underscores the enduring grassroots backing that propelled her to a decisive victory in a new district last cycle.

“We’re hitting the ground running this year, with an incredible wave of support from Kansans who are ready to stand together and fight for our values,” said Davids. “I appreciate the grassroots momentum in our campaign, and I remain committed to addressing critical issues that matter to our community — lowering costs on gas and groceries, protecting reproductive rights, and making health care more affordable.”

Davids is currently running for her fourth term to represent Kansas’ Third District, which includes all of Anderson, Franklin, Miami, and Johnson counties along with part of Wyandotte County. Davids remains committed to protecting individual freedoms and leveraging recent economic progress to further reduce costs for Kansas families.

January 5, 2024

Sharice Davids Raises Over $600,000 in Fourth Quarter

OVERLAND PARK, KS — Today, Representative Sharice Davids (KS-03) announced her re-election campaign raised more than $600,000 in the fourth quarter of 2023. Davids enters 2024 with more than $1.6 million on hand, putting her in a strong position to defend her battleground seat.

“I’m incredibly grateful to our grassroots supporters for their trust in our campaign,” said Davids. “My commitment to Kansans has always centered on working with anyone, regardless of party, to do the most good for our community. As we enter the new year, I’ll continue working to lower costs for hardworking families, protecting reproductive freedoms, and ensuring the federal government actually works for Kansans.”

Davids is currently running for her fourth term to represent Kansas’ Third District, which includes all of Anderson, Franklin, Miami, and Johnson counties, along with part of Wyandotte County. In 2024, Davids remains committed to leveraging recent economic progress to further reduce costs for Kansas families and small businesses.

July 12, 2023

Sharice Davids Reports $600K in Second Quarter of 2023

Today, Representative Sharice Davids (KS-03) announced her campaign raised $600K in the second quarter of 2023.

Coming off of an impressive victory in 2022, Davids continues her fourth re-election campaign with a strong second quarter haul. Nearly 90 percent of Davids’ contributions received thus far have been $100 or less, demonstrating the grassroots support that has powered Davids to victory three times in the Third District.

“I’m honored to have the trust and support of the Third District,” said Davids. “I look forward to continuing to work hard for families of the Third, from lowering health care costs to protecting the rights and freedoms for all Kansans.” 

Davids is currently serving her third term and represents the recently-redrawn Kansas Third District, which includes all of Anderson, Franklin, Miami, and Johnson counties along with part of Wyandotte County. Despite the more competitive lean of the district, Davids won by her largest margin yet, outrunning the 2020 Democratic ticket by several points in both the suburban and rural counties.

April 14, 2023

Sharice Davids Raises Over Half a Million in First Quarter of 2023

Today, Representative Sharice Davids (KS-03) announced her campaign raised over $500K in the first quarter of 2023.

Coming off of an impressive victory in 2022, Davids enters her fourth re-election campaign with a strong initial haul. Nearly 90 percent of Davids’ contributions received thus far have been $100 or less, a hallmark of the small-dollar, grassroots support that powered her to a 12-point victory in a new district last fall.

“My job is to represent this community, and now more than ever, our district needs someone in Congress who is going to stand up for what we believe in,” said Davids. “Whether that’s bringing good-paying jobs back home to Kansas or protecting our rights, I’m proud to have the trust and support of so many in the Kansas Third District.”

Davids is currently serving her third term and represents the recently-redrawn Kansas Third District, which includes all of Anderson, Franklin, Miami, and Johnson counties along with part of Wyandotte County. Despite the more competitive lean of the district, Davids won by her largest margin yet, outrunning the 2020 Democratic Presidential ticket by several points in both the suburban and rural counties.

November 8, 2022

Sharice Davids Announces Victory in KS-03 Congressional Race

OVERLAND PARK, KS — Today, Sharice Davids declared victory in the race to represent the Kansas Third Congressional District, winning her third term in Congress.

“For the past four years, we have come together to tackle tough problems and weather tough times. We have found a path forward for our community that is built on opportunity, respect, and hope. Tonight, we chose to ignore those who want to divide us and instead continue moving forward—together.

It is the honor of my life to be your Representative and I look forward to continuing to earn that title every day. Thank you for your support, and I am grateful to represent you in Congress.”