
August 3, 2022

Rep. Sharice Davids’ Statement on the Constitutional Amendment Results

Rep. Sharice Davids released the following statement after the results of the vote: 
“This is a win for Kansans, our families, and our rights. We rejected extremism and chose a path forward that protects all Kansans’ ability to make their own choices, without government interference. In November, we will ensure that belief is reflected in our representation at all levels, showing extreme politicians like Amanda Adkins that her harmful views are not what the Kansas Third wants in Congress.”

August 2, 2022

Rep. Sharice Davids’ Statement on Primary Election Victory

Rep. Sharice Davids, who is running unopposed, released the following statement after she was declared the winner of the Democratic primary election:

“From a six-way primary four years ago, to running unopposed today, I’m honored to be the Democratic nominee for Congress in the Kansas Third District. 

Even as we face growing division, this campaign has remained focused on listening to and delivering for Kansans. That has led to a record I’m proud of: working across party lines to lower costs on everyday expenses, repair our aging infrastructure, and make more here in America—not China.

The fact is that I’m the only candidate for the Third District who will listen to and work with anyone – Republican or Democrat – to move Kansas forward. I look forward to again earning the support of the Kansas Third on November 8.”

August 1, 2022

ICYMI: What Kansans are Reading Ahead of Major Amendment Vote

Tomorrow, Kansas will be the first state in the country to vote on abortion rights after Roe v. Wade was overturned, and Kansans are paying attention to which candidates are standing up for their freedoms—and who is standing against them. 

Read headlines across the country as Rep. Sharice Davids stands up for reproductive freedoms—and slams her challenger and longtime Brownback advisor Amanda Adkins for her extreme and out-of-touch views:

AP: Vulnerable House Dems see abortion as winning campaign theme

“In the final months of her [Rep. Sharice Davids] congressional campaign, she is focusing on Republicans’ strict opposition to abortion rights.

An online ad she released last week highlights how Amanda Adkins, the Republican favored to emerge from Tuesday’s primary for a rematch with Davids in November, opposed abortion without exceptions. The ad points to Adkins’ support of an amendment to the Kansas Constitution on the ballot Tuesday that would make clear there is no right to abortion in the states.

‘There were a lot of people who would not have known that I have an opponent who is extreme on this issue,’ Davids, who beat Adkins in 2020, said in an interview. ‘It’s not hypothetical anymore.’” 

Roll Call: At the Races: Pick your ‘R’ word

“In neighboring Kansas, Democratic Rep. Sharice Davids released a digital ad highlighting her GOP opponent Amanda Adkins’ support of a ballot referendum before voters next week that would strip abortion rights from the state constitution.”

Watch Rep. Sharice Davids on MSNBC’s Last Word.

Politico: Kansas’ abortion vote kicks off new post-Roe era

“On Saturday morning, dozens of volunteers with Kansans for Constitutional Freedom gathered in a community center in Kansas City’s Rosedale neighborhood to fuel up on vegan donuts and hear a pep talk from Rep. Sharice Davids (D-Kan.) before heading out to canvas.


‘It’s why I feel so optimistic about our ability to beat this thing back,’ she said. ‘A hundred years from now, people are going to look back at this time we’re in now, and I hope you all feel a little bit of relief knowing that when they look back, they’re going to see that you’re a group of people who not only saved our democracy, but helped make sure that our children and grandchildren had just as many rights as we have.’”

July 31, 2022

100 Days, 100 Doors: Rep. Sharice Davids Connects with Voters in the Third District

JOHNSON COUNTY, KS – To mark 100 days until the general election, Rep. Sharice Davids joined volunteers from her campaign to knock 100 doors in the Kansas Third, speaking directly with voters about her work to lower costs for Kansans. Davids’ campaign also marked the 100 day milestone by announcing that over 100 volunteers have completed canvassing shifts this month as the campaign grows in momentum to re-elect Davids in the fall. 

“It was great to get out and connect with voters on this important weekend ahead of the primary election,” said Davids. “With 100 days to the general election, I’m wasting no time sharing my message directly with voters. So much is at stake, both in August and in November, and folks are fired up and ready to elect officials who will do what’s best for Kansas – regardless of party.”

Rep. Davids canvassed and phone banked in Overland Park, Kansas. She heard from voters on the issues that matter most to them: lowering costs, creating jobs and protecting our rights.

July 27, 2022

ICYMI: Rep. Sharice Davids Stands Up for Individual Liberties, Stands Against Extreme Bans 

On Sunday, Rep. Sharice Davids joined MSNBC’s The Sunday Show to stress just how high the stakes are on personal freedoms in Kansas. After the Supreme Court ruled to overturn Roe v. Wade, the eyes of the country have been on Kansas, as the state is the first in the country to vote on reproductive freedom in less than a week. 

Davids set the scene, saying: “Were it not for a constitutional protection here in Kansas to access abortion, they would have already passed one of these extreme bills.” 

It was recently revealed in a bombshell report by the Kansas Reflector that the Kansas Legislature is ready to ban abortion if the constitutional amendment passes. Former Sam Brownback advisor and Republican candidate Amanda Adkins has a record of supporting similar total bans with “no exceptions for rape or incest, beginning at fertilization.” 

This week, Davids made her voice heard and voted early against the restrictive constitutional amendment. Additionally, Davids’ legislation to protect marriage equality passed the U.S. House. Davids is the only candidate for the Kansas Third, both in August and November, who will fight to protect Kansans’ personal freedoms. 

Watch Rep. Sharice Davids on MSNBC’s The Sunday Show.

July 26, 2022

Sharice for Congress Launches New Digital Ad: “We Can’t Go Back”

With one week until Kansans vote on a constitutional amendment that would pave the way for a total abortion ban in the state, Sharice for Congress launched a new ad in the Kansas Third calling out Amanda Adkins and her former boss Governor Sam Brownback for their out-of-touch and dangerous views. Amanda Adkins, who served as campaign manager and top advisor to Governor Brownback for years, has a record of supporting extreme bans on abortion, even in cases of rape or incest.

Watch the ad here:

Click here to watch.

 Adkins has been a staunch supporter of the proposed constitutional amendment and faces growing calls to be transparent about her harmful record on reproductive rights. The Kansas City Star reported earlier this month that Adkins supported a platform that could completely ban abortions with “no exceptions for rape or incest, beginning at fertilization”—a position shared by only 14% of Third District voters.

“In one week, Kansans will make their voices heard on reproductive rights. And in November, they will reject Amanda Adkins’ extreme views—including pushing for a total abortion ban without exceptions for rape or incest—and her lockstep record with disgraced Governor Sam Brownback,” said Ellie Turner, spokesperson for Sharice for Congress.

July 25, 2022

Rep. Sharice Davids Votes Early in Primary Election

Today, Representative Sharice Davids joined thousands of Kansans in casting her vote in the August 2 primary election. Davids, who is running unopposed in this year’s primary election, encouraged all Kansans to make their voice heard whether voting early in person, by mail, or on Election Day.

“I urge all Kansans to make their voices heard in this primary and special election. So much is at stake—and early voting is a convenient and secure option,” said Davids. “We must elect people who want to keep Kansas moving forward. From the start, I’ve been the only candidate for the Third District who will fight to protect Kansans’ personal freedoms and who will work with anyone—Republican or Democrat—to get things done.”

Davids has strongly opposed the restrictive constitutional amendment, and is the only congressional candidate on the primary ballot who has stood up against it. Recently, in a shocking report by the Kansas Reflector, it was revealed that the Kansas Legislature is set to ban abortion–without exceptions–if the constitutional amendment passes. 

To check one’s registration status and find early voting locations, Kansans can go to the Kansas Secretary of State’s website or Advance in-person voting is available throughout the Third District until August 1 at noon, and voters do not need to be registered with a political party to vote on the constitutional amendment.

July 22, 2022

ICYMI: JoCo Sheriff Embroiled in Election Scandal Featured in Adkins’ Campaign Ad

As more shocking information emerges about Johnson County Sheriff Calvin Hayden spending taxpayer dollars to chase baseless election fraud allegations and attempting to actively intervene in local elections, Amanda Adkins continues to stand with him—literally.

One day after new reports revealed Johnson County’s top legal counsel was concerned that Sheriff Hayden’s actions rose to “attempting to interfere with an election,” Adkins released an ad prominently featuring the Sheriff. She has declined to weigh in on his use of taxpayer dollars to investigate baseless conspiracies, declined to answer if she also believes there was substantial fraud in Johnson County elections, and declined to say if President Biden won the 2020 Presidential election.

Hayden and Adkins’ extreme positions are making local and national news:

Reuters: IT’S 2020 SOMEWHERE 

“A coalition of rightwing ‘constitutional sheriffs,’ who claim legal power in their jurisdictions that exceeds U.S. federal and state authorities, has a new calling: investigating conspiracy theories that the 2020 election was rigged against former President Donald Trump….Calvin Hayden, sheriff of Johnson County, Kansas, told the Las Vegas gathering that he plans to employ technology to expand his investigation.

‘We’re going to start doing our geodata,’ Hayden said. ‘I have no question that we’re going to get to the bottom of this.’ 

 Hayden launched the probe last year despite repeated assurances from county and state election officials that the vote had been conducted fairly.”

Sunflower State Journal: ​​New Adkins ad featuring JoCo sheriff targeted in congressional race

“Democratic U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids is criticizing Republican challenger Amanda Adkins’ new ad that prominently features Johnson County Sheriff Calvin Hayden, who has come under criticism for an apparent attempt to intervene in local elections.

Davids’ campaign says Adkins’ ‘promotion of Sheriff Hayden’s baseless, taxpayer-funded election investigation’ demonstrates that the Republican challenger is ‘too extreme for the Kansas Third.’


The new Adkins ad came out right at about the same time when it was reported that it appeared Hayden was trying to interfere with elections run by Johnson County election officials.”

Kansas City Star: ‘Attempting to interfere’: Johnson County sheriff suggested his staff transport ballots

“But the remarkable July 5 meeting shows Hayden wanting to move beyond investigation to playing a direct role in how elections are conducted. If county officials agreed to his requests, it would place a law enforcement official who has stoked suspicions of fraud at the heart of Johnson County election administration.


As he seeks to limit the use of drop boxes, Hayden has been politically active. He appears in a new TV ad released by Republican Amanda Adkins’ congressional campaign. Hayden isn’t identified in the ad, but he is shown standing with Adkins twice in the 30-second spot. Both times Adkins and Hayden – wearing blue jeans and a dark blazer – are next to a law enforcement vehicle, its lights flashing.”

July 19, 2022

Adkins-Backed Group Says “Kansas Abortion Ban is the Plan”

In a bombshell report from the Kansas Reflector, anti-choice group Value Them Both revealed that the Kansas legislature is set to ban abortion if the constitutional amendment passes in August. Amanda Adkins has been a staunch supporter of the amendment, and has a record of supporting extreme bans on abortion, even in cases of rape or incest.

Now, as Adkins faces growing calls to be transparent about her harmful record on reproductive rights, the Value Them Both Coalition is saying the quiet part out loud for her. At a meeting on Friday, the group’s organizers revealed they already have legislation prepared to “criminalize all abortions from the moment of fertilization until birth.” The Kansas City Star reported earlier this month that Adkins supported a platform that could completely ban abortions with “no exceptions for rape or incest, beginning at fertilization.” 

“Kansans received confirmation of what we long feared would come from the constitutional amendment, if it passes: extremist politicians will institute a radical, no-exception ban,” said Rep. Sharice Davids. “My opponent supports these plans that will only take Kansas backward. Her extreme position doesn’t reflect the values of the Kansas Third.” 

Read more from the Kansas Reflector:

“A regional director of the Value Them Both Coalition told a meeting of Reno County Republicans last month that the organization has legislation ready to ban abortion in Kansas if voters adopt a constitutional amendment Aug. 2.

A state senator also told the crowd he wanted to pass laws “with my goal of life starting at conception.”

The expressed intent to ban abortion stands in direct contrast with public statements by supporters of the constitutional amendment, who have repeatedly insisted the Aug. 2 vote is not about banning abortion. The comments support the fears of those who are working to defeat the amendment…”

Read more from Angela Schweller of Overland Park on the Kansas City Star Opinion Page:

“Amanda Adkins is once again running to represent our district, and despite the reversal of Roe v. Wade, she has dodged questions in attempts to shield her extreme views.

Just like her former boss, ex-Gov. Sam Brownback, Adkins opposes Roe v. Wade. This radical plan embodies the extreme extent of her pro-mandate beliefs, and shows she supports government bans over personal freedoms. Her party has repeatedly introduced radical criminalization of abortion, such as a bill proposed just this year with no exceptions for rape or incest, beginning at fertilization.


Amanda Adkins’ stances are with the minority of our county and state — and certainly don’t represent those here in the Kansas 3rd, which is why she’s been silent on her agenda if elected in a post-Roe America.

We have the right to know where our representatives stand. It’s the bare minimum that candidates can do for their prospective constituents…”

July 15, 2022

ICYMI: Sunflower State Journal: “Davids sets out to win”

Sunflower State Journal: “This is good ground for U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids.”

After kicking off her campaign with a tour of all five counties in the Kansas Third, the Sunflower State Journal detailed the energy surrounding Rep. Sharice Davids’ re-election bid, both in old and new territory. The Journal stated Davids’ campaign launch was, “packed wall to wall with supporters abuzz with excitement,” and detailed the consistent support surrounding Davids’ candidacy since 2018. 

The Sunflower State Journal spoke with multiple folks who met with Davids during her district-wide tour, many of whom were impressed by Davids’ efforts to connect with their communities, commitment to bipartisanship, and work to bring down costs for Kansas families. 

On the other hand, the Sunflower State Journal reported Amanda Adkins’ enduring connection to extremist former Gov. Sam Brownback “drew boos” from voters.

Read more in the Sunflower State Journal:

“This is good ground for U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids.

At the end of a sweltering afternoon last week, Davids launched her reelection at a Mission family-run microbrewery packed wall to wall with supporters abuzz with excitement.

It was a reminder of the enthusiasm that Davids captured in a bottle in 2018 when she emerged as an unknown candidate to overcome five Democratic primary opponents and upset Republican Congressman Kevin Yoder in the general election.


‘One of the most important things I can do is show up and listen,’ Davids told reporters before starting her campaign swing through the district.

‘There are so many people in a lot of ways who have not felt heard in a really long time,’ she said.

‘I am looking forward to getting out to the new parts of the district – Franklin County, Anderson County – meeting people and learning as much as I can,’ she said.

‘I think the folks in Kansas are really concerned about making sure they have representatives that actually are going out to D.C. and representing the folks here in Kansas and not anyone else,’ she said.


[Judy Davis-Cole] said the more people who meet Davids and ‘get to see how down to Earth she is and how hard she wants to work, I think maybe we can change some minds.’

She added, ‘We’re in a turbulent time and people in both parties are critically looking at their parties now and which way they want to go.

‘I really think there are a lot of people on the Republican side that don’t like what’s happening, and they are looking at a different approach…’”